Eager Anticipation

There are few better things in life than being greeted joyfully by your kids. Most mornings I can expect to see a very excited pair of brown eyes peeking over the child gate and bouncing with anticipation as I come down the hall. Each day as I come home from work I am attacked by two pint-sized blurs desiring hugs and smooches, who are simultaneously trying to talk over each other to tell me about their activities of the day. 

One more than one occasion last week Janis and I were out for evening activities and we relied on babysitters to watch over our kids. The LORD has blessed our church family with many amazing young ladies, single and married, who are very willing to serve families in this way. A strange thing happens, though, on the mornings after Mom & Dad have been away.

Rather than waking up and calling for or seeking out Mom and Dad, it’s not unusual to hear cries of: “April?” or “Caroline?” or “Cora?” or “Jill?” coming from the back of the house. On those mornings our kids are not desiring their parents – sometimes they are even a little disappointed when we come into view.

The usual eager anticipation of seeing Mom and Dad has often reminded me of how the church is supposed to eagerly await the return of Jesus. But I wonder, too, how often do we get distracted by the temporary things God has given for us to enjoy in the moment, that we lose focus on Christ? How often are we like me children who wake with their minds still on the last night’s fun with an awesome yet temporary babysitter instead of the parents who love and provide for them daily?

So, Church of God … what’s on your mind this morning? Are you (we) thinking more of the temporary than of the fulfilment and the sustainer? If told that Christ was returning at this moment, would we rejoice wholeheartedly or would you feel even a little disappointment at some earthly thing left undone?


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  • Huzzah, Ryan's returned to blogging!

    Interesting thoughts, and quite challenging. I remember thinking many a time "I hope Jesus doesn't come back before I can drive/finish school/get married" etc etc, which is really ludicrous when you think about it.